
Weird title… right?

But let me explain.

I was in a dark space come July 2024. My job that I broke my back for suddenly said they were cutting my time there. I couldn’t pay my car insurance so any side hustles I usually did I couldn’t do. My man who wasn’t my man (but don’t let me act like I was single) and I were going through it. All that to say, shit was tough and I was DEPRESSED! Ooo a girl was going through it. Then!! One day the area I was sleeping in was infested with moths! I mean I felt God had sent another plague it was so bad. As long as I’ve been there and around not once had that ever happened. I ended up having to sleep on the couch and for two nights and while everyone slept I cried. I’m not talking about silent slowly running down my face tears. I mean ugly , snotty nose, can’t catch my breath type of crying. I said “God I hear you I’m done!”

If you know me you know I am a spiritual being and everything has a meaning to me. I texted one of my friends and said this has to be a sign. I looked up “Moths spiritual meaning” and I kid you not….Google said “ messengers from the spiritual realm to signal transformation and change.”

I read that said “Ok granny I hear you.” I texted my friend told her what I read and said I am done complaining. I am not going to let others get to me and I am not going to engage in any negativity. I started taking better care of my body , mind and spirit.

YALL I kid you not! A month and a half later I am in a 5 bed 3 bath house with my children in my own CALIFORNIA KING bed! I own a 7 seater SUV and doing a little traveling.

We never know when that “thing” will happen for us. It is so easy getting so caught up in everything “Going wrong” that we refuse to see what was going right. I still had a roof over my head, I had people helping me financially and mentally. My baby was taken care of and surrounded by love. I had to stop dwelling in my “misery” and start being grateful for what I had and TRUST that everything would work out…Guess what?

It did!



Peace 💕


Self Care is telling people “No”


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